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Riot Control System Market Size, Share, and COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Defense and Offense), By Technology (Mechanical, Chemical, Electromagnetic, and Others), By Equipment (Riot Helmets, Face Visors, Body Armour, Gas Masks, Riot Shields, and Others), By End User (Military and Law Enforcement), and Regional Forecast, 2024-2032

Region :Global | Report ID: FBI108134 | Status : Ongoing



Riot control system is used to manage or disperse a violent crowd. The systems consists of both defensive and offensive equipment. The defence equipment such as riot shields, body armour, and others are used for the protection of the personnel. Equipment such as tear gas, water cannon, irritants, etc. are used to disperse a crowd.

Key Market Insights:

The market is driven by the growing civil unrest and political disputes in different countries. Another factor positively impacting the market is regional violence. Increase in such incidents, setting up of new production sites, and the export of the system to different countries, are all factors contributing towards growth of the market.

Riot control system consists of protective gear for the personnel using it, such as riot shield, headgear, body armour. The weapons used to control the crowd can be of various type, such as rubber bullets, tear as, water cannon, and laser. Chemical weapons used cause irritation and burning on the skins, as they are designed to affect the human skin whenever there is a contact with the re-agent. Mechanical weapons are capable of major harm to the body, as they are projected at high speeds towards the crowd. Electromagnetic wepaons are used to disperse the crowd from a far enough range, where the law enforcement or military personnel are safe.

The U.K., in 2019, agreed to lease riot shield licences to the U.S. in a deal worth USD 758,000. These shields were used by the U.S. to control the riots during the later part of 2020, when the country faced huge civil unrest.

A big restraint for the growth of the market is the outcry for the non-humanitarian method in which some of the equipment works, such as Active Denial. These weapons are deemed to powerful for use on unarmed civilians, due to their capability to effect discomfort at a high level.

Impact of the COVID-19 on Global Riot Control System Market:

COVID-19 affected the entire world, by initiating lockdowns and causing supply chain disruptions. The production of riot gear, though going down, was not as financially hit as other industries. The military and law enforcement agaenies were deployed throughout the pandemic to see that the COVID norms were followed. The risk of protests and riots in region such as Asia, Africa and Latin America also promoted the sales of the Riot Control System during the period.

The global riot control system is divided into three broad categories- by type, by technology, and by the end user. Based on the type of equipment, the market is bifurcated into defensive equipment and offensive equipment. Based on the technology, the market is divided into mechanical, chemical , electromagnetic, and others. Based on the equipment, the market can be segmented into riot helmets, face visors, body armour, gas masks, riot shileds, and others. Based on the end user, the market is bifurcated into military and law enforcement. Based on the region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

Key Insights:

The report will describe the following key insights:

  • The report analyzes a detailed industry overview, including qualitative and quantitative information.

  • The report analyzes an overview and forecast of the Global Riot Control System Market based on various segments.

  • The report also analyzes comprehensive PEST analysis for all four regions, i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World, after evaluating economic, social, political and technological factors affecting the Global Riot Control System Market in these regions.

Regional Analysis:

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Europe is a major region for the market, due to the growing civil unrest and protests against the governments of nations such as France. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is projected to grow and occupy a bigger share in the market. This is due to the investment by countries such as India, China, and South Korea for the development of less lethal crowd control equipment. China’s development of a new electromagnetic gun for riot control is a prime example of this. The region also has nations with a long history of protests and riots, such as Myanmar.

Key Players Covered:

Major players in the global riot control system market include Raytheon Technologies Inc., BAE Systems, Condor Non-Lethal Technologies, The Safariland Group, Eagle Industries, Amtec Less Lethal Systems, Dae-Kwang Chemical, and Combined Systems Inc., and others.


By Type

By Technology

By Equipment

By End User

By Region

  • Defense

  • Offense

  • Mechanical

  • Chemical

  • Electromagnetic

  • Others

  • Riot Helmets

  • Face Visors

  • Body Armour

  • Gas Masks

  • Riot Shields

  • Other

  • Military

  • Law Enforcement

  • North America (U.S. and Canada)

  • Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Russia, and Rest of Europe)

  • Asia Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea and Rest of Asia Pacific)

  • Latin America (Brazil and Mexico)

  • Middle East & Africa (U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)

Key Industry Developments:

  • In June 2022, the Iranian Police added USD 10 Million worth of riot equipment to their law enforcement forces, amid growing protests in Iran. The delivery included 527 vehicles and motorcycles, including special armoured vehicles.

  • In June 2022, Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), announced the launch of its GAL Versatile Protective Suit (VPS). The GAL VPS reduces the trauma by absorbing and re-directing the kinetic forces, by upto 95%. The suit was developed in collaboration with the special operations team of West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR)

  • Ongoing
  • 2023
  • 2019-2022

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